Thursday 14 April 2011

Easy Group presents the Winner of their Blackberry Torch prize draw at North Hants Business EXPO to Sparsholt College

The Easy Group based in Hampshire are delighted to announce the winner of its Blackberry Torch phone draw at North Hants Business EXPO to Ben Holloway, Business Development Manager, at Sparsholt College, Winchester.

Simon Mewett, Managing Director of the Easy Group said, ‘North Hants Business EXPO was a great success for the Easy Group. Although it was the first time it had run, we thought it was extremely well organised and a great forum for local businesses like ours to network. We are delighted for Ben, and being a local business, we hope that we will be doing business together in the near future.

Simon Hoyle, Account Manager for Easy Mobiles presents Ben with his brand new Blackberry phone. Ben said, ‘I am absolutely delighted to have won the Blackberry phone, I still cannot believe it.’

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