Thursday 28 July 2011

EASY Group team raise £2700 for MACMILLAN Cancer Trust

On Wednesday 27 July, Phil Bennett, Simon Hoyle from Easy Group, and a good friend Matt Bone set themselves a gruesome challenge – and completed a round of Golf with 72 holes, approximately 20 miles, raising £2700 for Macmillan Cancer Trust.  The challenge took place at Hurtmore Golf Club, near Guildford and they completed the challenge in 15 hours.  
In 2010 the Charity Golf Challenge raised nearly £300,000 across the UK to help support people affected by Cancer.

(Pictured l-r Matt Bone, Phil Bennett, Simon Hoyle)

Simon Mewett, Managing Director of the Easy Group said, ‘We are delighted to support this charity. Phil, Simon and Matt have raised £2700, which is fantastic, plus amazing donations from some of our customers and suppliers including: The Apollo Group, Atlas Helicopters, Xenith and Red Bull, providing a case of drinks to keep them going.  Hambleside Gifts have very kindly donated Easy Group PINK branded polo shirts and visors for the team.’

We are all affected by cancer. Please forward this to your friends and family and donate as much as you can for a great charity.  To make a donation, simply logon to:

Macmillan is a Cancer charity that does amazing work supporting those living with and fighting cancer and their families. It’s an impressive charity, and their mission statement is equally impressive and worth a read:
"Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer. One in three of us will get cancer. We are all affected by cancer. We can all help. We are Macmillan. As treatments improve, more and more people are living with cancer in their daily lives. This means they need more than medical help, they also need practical, emotional and financial support. We are a source of support, helping with all the things that people affected by cancer want and need. It's not only patients who live with cancer, so we also help carers, families and communities.”

PRESS Contact : Please call Lorraine Lewis on 02392 778825 or email: or visit:
For more information about Easy Group, please visit: or call 0800 13 13 100

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